Animators by day Animation teachers by night.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New Spline Casts coming soon

Just when you may have thought this Blog was dead or dying... Think again. We have Two new Spline Casts coming up. The first one is an animation Round Table discussion with Myself, Adam Burke, Angus Maclane, Scott Clark and Stephen Gregory. We recorded it just a few days ago, so its fresh off the press. Look for part one in the next few days. I am using a new format. Its called, Record, Edit, Upload. There will be no fancy openings or garageband music. They will be available on itunes and on the site soon.

The other splinecast is a mystery guest. We were unable to get Doug Sweetland, but we were able to get someone you will not be disappointed with. I'll give you a hint... Who is your dream guest?
Its probably one of them...

We also have student work from last semester to show off and hopefully some insightful posts for the new year.

Stay Tuned and pass the word.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome way to start the year!!!
aah! love it!!
Thanks a ton Docs!:D

10:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome! Can't wait!

12:43 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Sweeet! This is just the news I needed to hear after a long day at the studio. I seriously cannot wait for the new splinecasts!

12:58 AM

Blogger Crazyjap said...

All right! And not even just one, but two splinecasts! Super =) I think after listening to the previous one's about 3 times each, I could listen to some new ones, haha. They're always so inspirational!! Thanks so much!

3:34 AM

Blogger Dave Dick said...

Awesome - can't wait!

6:35 AM

Blogger BrandonBeckstead said...

Yessssssssssss!!!!!! Really looking forward to it!

6:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dream guest? An interview with Tia Kratter, Harley Jessup, or Sharon Calahan.

7:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make that Tia Kratter, Harley Jessup AND Sharon Calahan.

7:54 AM

Blogger Tony C. said...

More Spline Casts! That's what I'm talkin' about, baby!

2:43 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Yea! You're back! Thanks, can't wait to listen.

2:31 PM


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