Animators by day Animation teachers by night.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

JAY CLAY in Da' House, Baby!

So there is this amazing animator/artist Tim Hittle who has just released his two films "the Potato Hunter" and "CANHEAD" (which was nominated for an academy award) on DVD. If you got an extra $15 bucks laying around it's money well spent on these great films. Dr. Billy and I show Tim's films in class to talk about simplicity in posing, clear staging, and entertainment in animation.

Once you've supported Tim with a purchase of his DVD, cruise on back to and check out Anthony Scott's great website. He was a supe on Corpse Bride and one of the nicest guys in animation.

Dr. Stephen G.


Blogger Stephen Gregory said...

Hey Boon,

Nice to hear from you. Yeah we thought it would be funny or fun to share our stupid thought with the world, scince everyone else seems to be doing it.

Dr. Angus came up with the logo which is based of the rx logo for perscriptions. It's to help give us a more...medical feel.

Dr. Stephen G.

8:02 AM

Anonymous Recipe Tom said...

I love supporting artists like Tim Hittle.

7:58 PM


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